Family Law Lawyers in Canberra, Yass & Queanbeyan
At Robinson + McGuinness we pride ourselves on providing a professional, warm and responsive service with a focus on excellence in family law.
Family law is sensitive and complex. We understand that every family is different. We will use our expertise and experience to help guide you through the family law process to achieve the best possible outcome in your matter in the shortest possible time frame.
We will listen to you and we will deliver. We will focus on what is important to you. We promote honesty, integrity and frankness in your family law matter. We enjoy a working environment that is welcoming and supportive and that courtesy will be extended to you. We are discrete and empathetic.
We work closely with other professionals in the field of family law to ensure that you are provided with accurate and up-to-date information to assist you in making informed decisions about your particular circumstances.
Our expertise in family law coupled with our understanding of estate planning, guardianship and Care & Protection matters allows us to provide a thorough and complementary service to our clients in Canberra, Queanbeyan and Yass.
We are highly skilled in Court representation and advocacy.
We also engage in all methods of alternative dispute resolution including mediation, conciliation and collaborative law.
If you are unsure of your rights, entitlements or obligations in relation to a family law, estate planning, guardianship or care and protection matter, please contact us.